Question 4:

The Greenhouse Effect is caused primarily by:

a) water vapor
b) carbon dioxide
c) ozone-destroying aerosol sprays

 Sorry.... that is incorrect.

Over 95% of the Greenhouse Effect is caused by atmospheric water vapor inhibiting the escape of radiant heat from earth's atmosphere. The remaining 5% is caused by so-called greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide, most of which comes from nature.

Carbon dioxide from human sources comes from breathing, farming, and burning fossil fuels. It has not been proven that human additions to atmospheric CO2 are causing the earth to warm, but it has been proven that CO2 levels and temperatures were both on the rise a long time before humans built factories or drove cars!

Carbon dioxide is really a tiny constituent of our atmosphere-- comprising less than 4/100 of 1% of all gases present (380 ppm).

Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) has been steadily increasing for the last 18,000 years, coinciding with an interuption in the Ice Age and the subsequent onset of global warming.

Athough there appears to be a correlation between increases in CO2 levels in the atmosphere and global temperature, it has not been proven that the small amounts of CO2 added by humans has raised or will raise global temperatures. Rising global temperatures caused by changes in solar activity may simply allow earth's oceans to surrender more CO2 to the atmosphere-- similar to a warm bottle of soda pop which burps and fizzes when opened because cold liquid can hold more CO2 than warm liquid.

The entire argument about global warming actually comes down to whether or not rising CO2 is causing the Earth to warm, or is it something else (like the sun) making it the other way around?

In this regard, consider the following:

If global warming is caused by CO2 in the atmosphere then does CO2 also cause increased sun activity too?

Also, why are other planets like Mars, Jupiter, Neptune (and moon Triton) also displaying effects of global warming?


Did you know. . .

Approximately 186 billion tons of carbon from carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere each year. Of this total over 96% is from natural sources:

1) 90 billion tons are emitted by the oceans

2) another 90 billion tons are emitted by sources such as volcanoes and decaying plants

3) only 6 billion tons are the result of human activity

Most carbon dioxide is eventually locked up in ocean sediments as phytoplankton die and the carbon in their bodies falls to the ocean floor.

Carbon dioxide from all coal burning worldwide comprises only 0.013 % of the greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.

Question 5

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