Question 4:

The Greenhouse Effect is caused primarily by:

a) water vapor
b) carbon dioxide
c) ozone-destroying aerosol sprays

 That is correct!

You are pretty good. Are you a climatologist?

Over 95% of the greenhouse effect is the result of water vapor in Earth's atmosphere. But because water droplets held in suspension (clouds) make almost as good a reflector as they do a thermal insulator, there is little rise in daytime temperatures due to the greenhouse effect.

Any greenhouse warming, if it does occur, is limited to primarily increasing nighttime temperatures, which provides beneficial moderation of nighttime low temperatures, but no increase in daytime high temperatures. Dr. Patrick Michaels, Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, has demonstrated this phenomenon very effectively.

Did you know...

The world's natural wetlands produce more greenhouse gas contributions annually than all human sources combined.

Question 5

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